Team IANZ supporting Auckland to unite against COVID-19

August 12, 2020

How is IANZ responding to the Level 3 COVID-19 lockdown in Auckland?

As everyone in Auckland unites against COVID-19 to keep our country safe, IANZ is proud to continue supporting our many clients recognised by the Government as providing essential services. IANZ's role, protecting the health and wealth of New Zealand, has once again been recognised as essential in supporting these services.

This means we will continue our important work from home in Auckland, while doing as much as we possibly can to provide our services to the clients we can help and support. Our work will be completed within the Government’s Level 3 restrictions. Our staff located outside of Auckland, will continue their business as usual for now.

We want to thank all of our clients in Auckland who are continuing their vital work during this challenging time – many of whom are in frontline roles, supporting the well being of Kiwis. We are thinking of you and appreciate the work you are doing to keep New Zealand a place we all love living in.

Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui. Be strong, be brave, be steadfast.

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